As pointed out after each healing circle, it is particularly important to strictly follow the dietary guidelines immediately after receiving healing, especially for the first 5-6 hours after receiving the healing and generally for at least about 8 days. During that time it is also recommended to drink plenty of water and fluids but avoiding all cold (artificial, fizzy or sugary) drinks - they should be body temperature or above.

Symptoms of the body detoxifying after receiving healing is not uncommon and can include a range of flu-like symptoms like headaches, dizziness, all kinds of aches and pains and feeling generally 'under the weather' to more severe pains of recurring old and long-forgotten injuries, stomach upsets, inexplicable emotional outbursts and crying for no apparent reason. You may also feel lethargic and listless and should rest as much as possible while taking lots of liquids, to allow the healing energy to clear out and re-balance your body.

Please Note: It is important to understand that keeping to the dietary guidelines given will generally minimize the detox symptoms whereas ignoring these will tend to aggravate them and make you feel unnecessarily uncomfortable.

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