A BASIC VEGAN diet is recommended allowing in addition (1) good quality local organic honey and (2) 'happy' organic, free range eggs - ensuring that they have been allowed to feed naturally, rather than on artificial 'super-foods' and GMO soya products which are blocking absorption of minerals & proteins in those consuming them.

Things to cut out completely: All MEAT (including grass fed beef etc and in particular PORK which contains the most toxins), FISH (all containing heavy metals nowadays), all intoxicants like ALCOHOL, SMOKING (nicotine, weed, marijuana etc) stimulants like COFFEE, including DECAF which contains numerous chemicals, BLACK TEA and GREEN TEA which is even more stimulating than black tea (white tea is fine). SUGAR (sufficient amounts contained in fruit), SALT (sufficient amounts contained in vegetables) all refined 'white' grain products like WHITE PASTA, WHITE RICE, WHITE BREAD and all DAIRY products.

Consume plenty of organic local, seasonal, fruit (fresh or dried) and vegetables (raw or steamed), nuts, pulses, honey and lemon juice for flavouring.

Herbs and spices have medicinal properties and should be researched thoroughly before use and not just used for flavouring.

Recommended protein sources are: NUTS, LENTILS, BEANS, EGGS (see above) and high quality organic (non-GMO) SOY products, preferably fermented like KEFIR, NATTO and TEMPEH.

Cold pressed, organic extra virgin OLIVE OIL (first pressing is best and does not oxidise at all) - try to buy oil pressed in the current year.

For cooking it is recommended to use organic, cold pressed extra virgin COCONUT OIL as this is the only oil that does not change into harmful trans-fats at high temperatures.

WATER is for cleansing the system and should be drunk one hour away from food, before and after and first thing in the morning as well as last thing at night. If you drink water less than an hour before your meal or with your meal, it dilutes the enzymes needed to break down the food. If you drink water within an hour of eating it washes away the nutrients of the food. Instead of water you can drink freshly pressed juices or herb teas with your meals.

MAESTRO reminds us that the body is the Temple of God and to keep it clean and respect it. There is no need for any disease or pain in the body - whatever the age - if the correct dietary guidelines are followed.

* We request that you refrain from consuming intoxicants of any sort for at least 24 hours prior to the Healing (particularly alcohol).  Please also refrain from wearing any perfume or fragrances.  Thank you. 

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