"Beloved Maestro: Thank you for your PRESENCE and ESSENCE, THANK YOU for the teachings on each and every one of your footsteps . . . if everyone could see and feel . . . if everyone could understand each of your words, which in essence they are pearls of wisdom; Maestro each and every one of your words make my heart expand, I honor your blessed presence and I bow down before your divine ESSENCE. 

THANK YOU for all the golden seeds that you spread everywhere, one day they will germinate Maestro, and the trees will bear beautiful fruits, taking your teachings and the way of sowing the seeds, the seeds will germinate Maestro, they will germinate and your journey will not be in vain. Blessed be your footsteps, blessed be your words, blessed be your gaze and blessed be your eyes! May the will of God be always with us, not our own. Akuré Unei! 

With love, Queta."

Queta Violeta. Mexico. 



"I CALL ON ALL COUNTRIES . . . . Maestro Constantino walks to serve all humanity, without distinction as to creed or race, only serving with love and for love every human being who needs healing. The greatest illness that plagues humanity is on our hearts. Receive this wonderful BEING, whose only wish is to see you happy and free, you only need to accept receiving . . . he offers you a banquet for everyone to EAT. 

This banquet that Maestro offers goes way beyond the physical. What HE does, nobody can in this earthly world, you are missing the opportunity to get healed with no pain and without cutting your body in surgery. Listen to the call inside your hearts and be free of what makes you suffer.

In love and service, Enriqueta Jiménez."



"Beloved Maestro, the seed will multiply soon . . . it is understood that we are greater than the plants and the birds who find their food through the wild fruits; it is understood that we have to pull off the root of the plants that grow on the dumps and place them on a safe fertile ground.

INFINITE THANKS for your teachings about "to do, in order to BE" and about growing with FREEDOM. THANK YOU for teaching me the meaning of being of service and for your presence today and always. I ask the Lord that all the hearts are opened so they are able to FEEL . . . and see beyond the physical eyes; that the sum of all the hearts and hands be expanded all around for the service given to all those that will receive.

In love and service, for love and from love, Queta."



"All my gratitude, love and respect for Maestro Constantino for the great mission of healing humanity and Mother Earth, without expecting anything in return. I've been fortunate to be present as supporting volunteer in the cities of Obregon, Mochis, Juarez, Mazatlan and Guadalajara in Mexico, and I've witnessed countless and prodigious physical level healings such as: cancer, tumors, cysts, hernias, arteriosclerosis, all endorsed by medical studies. Likewise I have seen people recover their sight and hearing, as well as heal from diseases on kidney, intestines, ovaries, among other surprising cases. In addition Maestro also heals on emotional, mental and spiritual levels, as is my personal case. 

So I invite you not to miss the great opportunity you have to join the healing circles of this great being of Light who is present in your country."

Arcelia Verdugo Preciado. México. 



"On Thursday last week, I participated in the second healing circle between the olive trees of a farm in the Izraeli Agricultural village - Moshav Magshimim.

Maestro Constantino blessed this nice place in nature and send the message that we have to be like trees – alive, healthy, strong, our roots in the ground, our bodies strong like tree trunks, to lift our heads like treetops, to live full life and to bear fruit – to fulfill – just like the name of the place – Fulfillers.

The advices he gives, regarding proper nutrition, are recommendations and every one is entitled to choose what's best for him for nurturing his temples - his body and as much we will take on ourselves, so the results in the physical reality will be reflected in a more beneficial health. This is real listening to ones body and a personal choice, personal responsibility. As always it was good to sense the energy intensities that is increasing in the healing circles. The inner heat that rises and the self-frequency that intensifies. Despite of the great heat that prevailed, I sensed that I am breathing easily. The energy that Maestro transmittes generates expansion and spreading. for a moment, I could feel that me and the olive plantation are one, they spread in their unity in oneness. I'm in nature. The nature in me and a circle of the holding hands, the integrate hearts, one big beating heart of Mother Earth herself, of the great mother, the spirit, the essence, containing, cradling, hugging, accepting, supporting and when I was looking at Maestro, for a tiny moment I could sense her breathing, beatings and I new serenity. Maestro is always telling me to feel in my heart, that there is no greater love in the world than the love of a mother and it excites me very much.

I am a mother to a teenager autistic boy and know Maestro is coming to empower me as a person, as a mother and to empower the place, in me, that should support the progress of my son and the power of a mother's love can penetrate heavens and work miracles. "Take care of the angel that God gave you". So he whispers in my ear every healing circle. Your guardian angel will always give you solutions.

The very connection to the trust, to the look, to the backlash, to the frequency of the mother raises a tear in me and when I am looking into the eyes of Maestro, I can feel that all suffering of the world and all sorrow, he is sipping into him and all what remains outside of him is transmitting genuine, whole hearted joy and acceptance and the sentence he declaring; "Open your hearts" sounds like an echo of a bell, playing. Like a code that unlocking in me, around me, in the people next to me. Thank you maestro Kostantino for the experience, the reinforcements and the joins. Thanks to all the staff that supports the healing circles. I love you. I am sending lots of light and love.

For only love will win."

Etti Batzir. Israel. 



"Hello, Maestro Constantino has asked me to write. It is very difficult. I have written down my experiences and feelings but it is so personal. And looks like it’s not suitable for every one’s eyes and ears. It’s very strong , otherwise I wouldn’t be coming back, again and again. So I’ll tell about one time, one meeting:

In all the times I was there were many people, (minimum 20-30 in the “smallest” meeting and then Maestro scolded us for not bringing more people to receive healing). Every time there was something different: Either, I looked into his eyes and sailed in a sea of endless love, or I have felt very strong energies when he worked with other people or with me. One time in a certain Yoga studio in Tel-Aviv, he didn’t have the place to wait in another room, as he usually does, and he waited with us (very quietly and with all the patience in the world), so we came in and sat next to him. There was a very tender, fine energy very sweet like that of a baby and with a tremendous power of love.

So then I understood, that probably during all the other sessions, the energy of all the other people were screening away his energy that is so subtle and so special, that sometimes I feel is like disappearing away from me after the session. Of course the results are staying and are here and only continuing. And probably when you tell stories the memory glands are opening up so I’m remembering the first times, how I felt when Maestro has spread his energy (or whatever it is and was) – I felt my heart blocked in certain areas, like it’s enveloped in certain sides with something that is restricting the heart…and me, and it even hearts and later it disappears and probably the heart has opened and grew larger for more and more love and it became easier to open up and channel myself back to the right place, even in hard situations (and to remember and thank for them for I have set them to help me remember who I am and grow Up). It’s like it is impossible for a human being, not logical and not real, to come like this and give more and more, another day and another day. . . 

Dear Maestro, I’m thanking you from the depth of my heart for the giving and the love and the healing.

With lots of love always." 

Shlomit Yosifya. Israel.


"thanks a lot to maestro who honored us with his visit at our family home on pessah leyl haseder . it was a visit full of love , light and compassion . hearts were open without language , just by looking at his loving silent eyes . he gave us the possibility to be open to a different quiet way of living . looking deep at the eyes of each other . feeling the love that grows with this contact . making us close and united as a family and each to the other . by this silent loving look , full of energy of life, he was giving each one , the opportunity to look deep inside himself , and realize the way he is . to have an intimate contact with himself , and to take it to a caring love for himself . this care and love which is aroused by the maestro's compassionate look , makes each of us open to give and get , and feel as a united brotherhood , being here for each other .

Muchas muchas gracias maestro ."

Shalva Or. Israel.


"Thank you Maestro for being with us, for your kind lovable eyes which are still in us, for your loving care for every human being and all creatures in the world. I saw miracles of healing at your circles, healing of body illness as well as mind and feelings. Your touch is a magical touch that comes from the divine as a gift to the humanity. 

Your massages of keeping the heart open and staying united to each other, and your spiritual light presence are keeping me and all of us in a direction of delicate fine existence which will surely help us getting healed and caring for each other. You are with us and I hope to see you soon. With love and for love. Shalva."

Shalva Or. Israel


- "You need to be free" Maestro told me.

- "Be free of what? If you are asking me to be free, it means I am now in prison.  Am I a prisoner?"

- "Be free to be yourself" continued Maestro.

  "But I don’t know who I am".

- "You are the one who knows; the one who dances when she pleases, the one who cries when she is hurt, and the one who laughs when she finds something funny. That is YOU. Do not look for a definition. It is only the logical mind what makes us look for definitions. And I say – open your heart, open that part in you that is not the logic.”

This sounds easy from a healer who knows it, who teaches me, heals my heart and opens it infinitely.

In Spanish the verb “to teach” means also “to show”. That is interesting. That means that when we teach, we also show the student something about life. It is the student's choice to accept the teaching as part of his life, ignore it or even argue with it.

And I choose to accept everything Maestro is offering. He has come from Mexico to our small country to teach us, and he has been around us healing our hearts, our bodies and our spirits.

His vision is to bring peace in our hearts so that peace spreads around the world. That is his vision and he does it with love and for love, respect and humility.

He teaches us that boundaries are only the ones that logic creates but we are much more than that. We can do everything we want because everything is possible.

I would like to add that it is only a matter of the price we are willing to pay: are we willing to give up the things we thought we knew and admit that we might have been wrong? are we willing to put aside our live's dramas and enter a worldwide peace scenario?  If so, the sky is not only the limit but the beginning of the space of freedom.  

Maestro has been proving that over and over by his endless ability to heal, his ability to work with no rest and never tiring. There is no limits in Maestro’s vision of us.

All he asks from us is our presence in the Healing Circles and to express ourselves, to help each other, work together, cooperate in unity: Arabs, Jewish, Druze, Muslims, Christians, Buddhists; all together for a united childlike world, like it used to be.

"It is possible" Maestro repeats over and over again. Maestro is the reflection of “the Maestro” within each and every one of us.

Come and look into the eyes of the real YOU. By standing in front of Maestro Constantino, we are actually standing in front of our true self. Maestro is here with us just to open our hearts, so we can see through our hearts and not through our logical mind. The world is not logic. The world is the world."

Yehudith Gluck. Israel.


"Maestro, my heart feels so much Love for God, so much Love for all Humanity, so much Love for my Mother Earth, and the Love and the appreciation is so strong in my heart that there´s no words to describe it. I´d always say that I was a very spiritual person, but when my Heart met Maestro, it really was the time when my Heart opened up to the Divine Love, to the Universal Love, only then Maestro, only then.

I invite you all to open your hearts just like my beloved Maestro says, so you receive the healing in your physical bodies, emotional, mental, spiritual. Thank you Maestro, for so much love, for so much Peace, for so much Light, for so much Presence."

Lorenia Peñuñuri. México. 



 "Very beautiful feelings, indeed, everything is true, we can say it because we have experienced it. Go, don´t miss the opportunity of meeting him, feeling and living the healings and being able to say after a few days: thank you Maestro for so much light, for so much peace, for so much love, for so much presence. 

Remember, it doesn´t matter what´s your disease, cancer, bone cartilage wear, herniated spine discs, tumors, AIDS, lupus, blindness, deafness, cirrhosis. He also does kidney, uterus, and gallbladder transplant, or any organ that is essential for living, also, fatty liver and much more diseases that each day are adding up, many of them not even known by doctors. It´s true, as incredible as it sounds! Just go and open your heart and you´ll be part of the miracle because that´s what it happens in the healing circles of this being, who with all humility has come to give us with no distinction of color, creed or social status. He gives us love, peace and a great Light. 

Go, even without having a serious disease, getting to know him is fantastic, amazing, you won´t come back without loving him, I assure you." 

Vicha Solano. México. 



"Thank you Maestro for being with us, for your kind lovable eyes which are still in us, for your loving care for every human being and all creatures in the world. I saw miracles of healing at your circles, healing of body illness as well as mind and feelings. Your touch is a magical touch that comes from the divine as a gift to the humanity. 

Your massages of keeping the heart open and staying united to each other, and your spiritual light presence are keeping me and all of us in a direction of delicate fine existence which will surely help us getting healed and caring for each other. You are with us and I hope to see you soon. With love and for love. Shalva."

Shalva Or. Israel


"Unfortunately I only speak Spanish well. I encourage those women who speak several languages to travel along with Maestro Constantino. It´s an honor and a real pleasure. I had the experience to travel to several cities in our MEXICO, such as Guadalajara, Colima, Uruapan, Toluca and it´s fabulous to go along this wonderful being that God has sent to us. He is all love, tenderness, warm hearted, full of humility and his gaze is so deep, I go speechless. It´s like if therés everything on his gaze: the love, the peace, the warmth, the energy, the universe itself. 

That´s why I encourage those women who has so many qualifications like speaking many languages. Just ask yourself, why do I know so much? who gave me all those gifts? and for what? and you´ll find the answer. 

Go and you´ll not regret. It´s a different world being along with this divinity, I promise you." 

Vicha Solano. México.



"Stand with Maestro and breathe in his presence. Take a real breathe, deep, easy; that changes the entire feeling of the body. Every cell in our body needs a good breathe, and only when we have it we realize that we need it. Breathing makes the body feel easy, joyful. And overwhelming but delicate energy in the whole being. 

Thank you dear Maestro."

Shalva Or. Israel. 



"It only exists the moment of today and the state of Being. Be Today and be Love, be yourselves. With much love and an overflowing heart, MAESTRO CONSTANTINO AWAITS YOU WITH LOVE AND FOR LOVE, RESPECT AND HUMILITY; come to him with FAITH and HEAL, may it be, may it be, may it be.

BELIEVE BROTHERS", I embrace you all in LOVE and PEACE from MEXICO."

Olga Olmos. México. 



"Each circle I go to, teaches me different things about myself and about the art of healing. It's like if Maestro reads and understands my language, as if I speak Spanish. I feel that words are less important than the vibration they carry, and it's a mystery itself. Reading the vibration creates in Maestro a super natural understanding. That helps to take all the pain, and by this, he pulls the disease out of the body and mind, in a way that my mind cannot understand. His healing work creates understanding, connections and relationships that come from the heart, and they are so essential in order to be relieved from the disease. Maestro repeatedly emphasizes opening of the heart and freedom from fear. I have no doubt that these are the main barriers to health. 

All the great work he is doing for us, is to bring us there: to accept the difference; to be open to the mystery; to believe in the world beyond our comprehension; to have proof of its existence; to take off, with his help, all the barriers, that are reflected in our diseases, in order to reach the loving open heart that is free from fear. The greatest gift we can give Maestro is to let him give us, to receive, to be open, and accept his powerful healing he is gifted with, that is more precious than gold, and to get the best benefit for the sake of all of us.

Thank you, Thank you, dear Maestro."
Shalva Or. Israel. 


"Thank you my beloved Maestro Constantino for being with all humanity, respecting beliefs and especially for your unconditional love, with that sweetness and tenderness that looks at all without any distinction. I can´t stop thanking our Father for letting me know and love Maestro, and that way, enjoy his beloved presence, his lovely warmth, his beautiful light that emanates everywhere, his words of wisdom, and yet, the most beautiful thing, the healing that he has given to me by just looking at me. 

Thank you Maestro because you healed my body, soul, heart and spirit. Maestro, in three more months it´ll be two years that I don´t go to any doctor or take any medication. I can only say that my heart is full of gratitude to this wonderful being, which our Father in His infinite goodness sent to us. 

Maestro Constantino, thank you, thank you for so much presence, for so much love, for so much light! Without condition." 

Vicha Solano. México.



"The organizing Team of Maestro Constantino friend in Norway have been preparing Maestro Constantino's visit with the help of many lovingly dedicated people who had an open heart and intuitively felt how important his visit was for all of us, as people and as a country. After two days of experiencing what a privilege it is to assist him closely; being hosted by a beautiful soul and assisted by so many loving and giving people, the experiences are forming and it is amazing to witness the transformation that we can see in people’s eyes, complexion, attitudes and the happiness and gratitude that transpire at the end of the Healing Circles. 

The words that come to my mind to describe such feelings would be: blooming, warming up, sharing, giving, spontaneity, happiness, relieve of pain, release of painful emotions, surprise and above all a gratitude that generates a trusting feeling of union and peace within ourselves and among us, as a common humanity. We never meet before and we feel the loving openness and trust of belonging to the same fraternity of human kind. We are all connected, We can trust each other without fear or apprehension. Is just wonderful!. Thank you Maestro for generating those feelings and emotions in us and showing what is. As one participant said, "Maestro, you are a man of few words, and he replied with humility and respect. It is the action, not the words...." 

And he continued healing, for this is what he does all the time. With his compassionate and penetrating regard that recognize the essence of who we are, with his chants, his love, his healing touch. It is just marvelous, and serving his mission is the reward, so as many people in the world can connect to the source of Love by opening their hearts to receive the healing. Come to meet Maestro. Be present with an open hearts and the work is done. With Love and Respect."

Sofia Bergen. Norway.


"Amazing experience !! Circle of healing with Maestro Constantino! Thank you for the healing..!!"

Hila Segev - Israel at yotvata (elat) https://www.facebook.com/hila.segev2


"Brothers of Israel: Receive with love the one who serves you with love; with humility is serving and for love gives the entire humanity. Receive from Maestro Constantino what nobody can provide to you on this space, Maestro came only to relieve those physical ailments, as well as mental and emotional, which have happened in the yesterday and today prevail.

If all countries join their hands together in love and service to one another, the change that we´re expecting will be in harmony manifesting the equilibrium.

Let´s be part of the change supporting with love Maestro Constantino´s journey in service to humanity. Join Maestro Mexican brothers, and serve with love all all those who will receive what is expected. Healing is received opening your heart, and it´s through his eyes, his presence, his singing and his loving touch, receive him!"

Queta Violeta. México. 


 "My encounter with the Maestro is meeting with other worlds. I felt circle to I meet an angel or a man was sent to us from above to raise us as individuals and brotherhood long. Finesse foster healing and strength in me the belief that only a gentle energy and full intent can facilitate healing. And the circles of people who support each other and work Maestro, singing the opening and shake the heart, which connects us to tears and looks of love - how much power they have. 

Maestro has certainly blessed by evidence. He can identify the places in the individual patients without any word you say to him and he went directly to aching to give him the same subtle life energy to release the man to my hurt. He adjusts the degree of healing can hold, and gives himself just wonderful. 

Those eyes of his - meeting me another time with myself through it, and I radiate exactly the kind of healing that I need, leaving me stunned, amazed and grateful. How can admit such a valuable person gives his best tirelessly each and every person. 

No words can give expression to this gratitude, and I just hope that he can feel the warmth and love I and me probably all of us have for him. Do not miss this meeting. It will stay with you for many years."

Shalva Or. Israel. 



"Truly I tell you, this is real ... the testimonial is the one who receives from this BEING of great light ... I thank the Divine for having him here with us. From your within, let the relief and the light reach your hearts with that touch of love ... "

Queta Violeta. México. 



"Dear Maestro Constantino! I love you very much, you are a good person. Almighty bless you for what you do for people. I feel greatly strengthened and more confident. Suddenly I feel like I'm breathing better and have less back pain. I am by nature a person who loves to help. 

My mother passed away two months ago and it´s a little hard for me because I really miss her, she was a good mother who loved to help everyone and very spiritual. I am now very sentimental. I love you very much Maestro Constantino. 

Congratulations and thank you. Holy, holy, holy Lord of hosts. Make peace for us, is make peace for us and for all Israel and world."

Orna. Israel. 



"Beloved Maestro, thank you for your love and devotion to all of us. May the Divine watches each of your steps and we, with love await your return."

Queta Violeta. México. 



"There´s no more time to waste in dramas, in harmful emotional turmoil or activities that don´t fulfill us completely. The rising vibration is going to take us all back slowly to call of our soul ... where, if we want to, we could be happy, healthy and therefore successful. This is called evolutionary spirituality which is happening all over the planet - and you, me, WE are all precursors of such EVOLUTION of the planet ... 

MAKE PEACE ♥ ♥ ♥ WE LOVE YOU ISRAEL. Please HELP, INVITE your brothers and participate in MAESTRO CONSTANTINO´s healing circles. In Mexico we´re waiting for him with our hearts, WE LOVE HIM ... but it makes us HAPPY that ISRAEL is giving him shelter with your love and gratitude. 

Olga Olmos. México. 


"Your words, beloved Maestro, are beautiful. Serving with Love, Humility and Respect without expecting anything in return, because serving with Love gives us happiness, Joy and Peace. 

Let´s get together to serve humanity with Our Beloved Maestro, let´s give ourselves to serve in his Healing Circles, unconditionally, with Love, Humility and Respect. Maestro, Mexico LOVES you. 

Brothers of Israel and all the world, may the Divine gives you Peace, Love and Blessings."

Yolanda Burgos. Sun Valley, CA. 


"We are creating a new world, and there is much evidence to prove it right now. This evidence may not be wrapped in the pretty package we expected, but remember that the real gift is not the package. It's what's inside, once you remove the paper. 


Olga Olmos. México. 


"Maestro, I thank you from the bottom of my heart your unconditional love and healing that you brought to our city Eilat. The energy, the respect, the humility and the love for our neighbor opened my heart for everybody; now everybody can share their energy and we all can be only one energy together.

May peace and love be with us. Love your neighbor as yourself, that´s what you made be feel when I looked into your eyes, my dear Maestro.

Thank you for giving us you heart to heal us, so that we open our heart and make a better world for everyone. Thank you."

Liliana. Eilat, Israel


"Hello, I greet you with Love .. to all my Brothers in Israel and surrounding cities, and Mexican families who are currently living in the Middle East.

I´m making a call for SERVICE AND LOVE! to OPEN YOUR HEART and come to the Healing Circles of MAESTRO CONSTANTINO, A BEAUTIFUL BEING OF LIGHT AND LOVE who has been proving healing not only to the temples that were sick but also the precious land of yours ... he provides WITH LOVE AND FOR LOVE, so all of you who already know him and received from him, spread the word and give your service to the Mexicans who speak Hebrew and English language PLEASE COME. It´s required that someone translates Maestro´s messages during the circles. BROTHERS, remember that we are all ONE, no matter where we are, it´s time to come together. 

Show YOUR LOVE, DON´T HIDE IT ANY LONGER AND HELP! ... THIS IS THE TIME WHEN YOU CAN SHOW IT, SERVING YOUR BROTHERS, THE ONES MOST IN NEED. THANK YOU, I LOVE YOU ♥ with love, respect and humility; May the Divine Brighten your Being. May it be, may it be, may it be".


Olga Olmos. México. 

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